Germantown Middle School
Germantown Middle School is located in Gluckstadt, a community founded in 1905. Madison Crossing Middle School, established in 2006, was renamed Germantown Middle School in 2009 when we moved from our 300 Yandell Road location to our new school at Calhoun Station Parkway.
Description of School:
- Required Classes -
Math, Science, History, Language Arts, Technology, PE Elective, Other Elective
- Athletics -
Archery, Football, Basketball, Track, Dance, Cheer, Volleyball, High School Cross Country, High School Golf, High School Swim
- Electives -
Art, Drama, Spanish, Yearbook, Band, Choir, Gifted, Music Appreciation
- Student Clubs/Organizations -
Student Council, BETA, Science Olympiad, Science Bowl, Technology Student Association, Robotics
- Total certified staff - 67
- No. of staff with a Masters Degree or higher - 25
- No. of National Board certified staff - 9
Class Scheduling:
An 8-block, alternating-day, block-scheduling format is used. Students attend 4 classes each day with each class being attended for 94 minutes. See Bell Schedule
Grading System:
Beginning in 2010-2011, all Madison County Schools moved to a modified ten-point grading scale. Almost all Germantown Middle School grades are recorded numerically. The letter grade equivalents are as follows:
A = 90-100, B = 80-89, C = 70-79, D = 65-69, F = 0-64
Take the Sowell Road Exit from I-55. (This exit is between the Gluckstadt and Nissan exits).
Go west to the stop sign (a dead-end) Take a left onto Calhoun Parkway.
Take the first right into the school driveway.