
     Lion in South Africa by Ken Hackman  

     Lion photo by Ken Hackman, Kruger National Park, South Africa, July 2011


    Ken Hackman - Zoology I and Zoology II

    Hello everyone! Welcome to Zoology I and/or Zoology II,  My name is Ken Hackman, and hopefully, you and your student have just logged in for an exciting experience this year! I'm definitely not your run of the mill kind of guy. I love my church, my family, and my job!  As you will soon experience, I have a great passion for the material I teach. I hope it shows and that your student will learn all they can from my tutelage while we go through this time together.

    Our classroom is a 'living' laboratory.  Yes, Zoology is a lab-based science, but I believe that the greatest lab is the natural world itself.  In the room we have tanks full of sponges, cnidarians, arthropods, worms, mollusks, frogs, turtles, snakes, lizards, and fishes! Yes, fishes IS a word, by the way! Your student will be learning all about the creatures that we study first hand, up close, and in a dynamic and exciting fashion.  
    It is my goal to do more than just give your child information, but to prepare them for the future, as well. Unless they become employed in some scientific field, the individual FACTS they learn in my class are not as important as HOW they learn and to what they aspire. While we are taught NOT to tell students that the information we teach is not important, (I will say there are plenty of real-world applications from this information), to a degree, this is primarily a course of great enrichment of knowledge and greater understanding of our natural world. Hopefully, the CONCEPTS they learn will take them a long way!
    Should you need to reach me, simply email me at khackman@madison-schools.com.  On the left toolbar of this page is information for the first unit we will be studying. As we move through the semester, that can be accessed by anyone at any time. This first unit we are working on is Unit One: The Principles of Zoology.

    Soon, there will be a meeting (Either face to face or on Zoom) with info on our 2022 summer trip!!! You can can join us as we go to Germany, Austria, and Switzerland this coming June for the trip of a lifetime! Watch this page for details! For more information, email me! khackman@madison-schools.com.

     Mr. Hackman is an amateur wildlife photographer
      and uses much of his own photography in class, when possible.
      Photo by Justin Mast, former MCHS student 
    Mr. Hackman and Friend!  
    Parent's Corner:

    As far as academics go, we have a favorite saying in Zoology. If one gets behind or allows grades to drop due to not making it to class as often as is necessary, one doesn't find oneself up the creek without a paddle. Rather, one finds oneself toilsomely up the proverbial aqueous solution without a visible means of propulsion. Zoology is NOT hard as much as it is different, terminology-wise. The first progress report issued may possibly reflect a lower score than you are used to seeing for your student.  The rigor for this course is a little more demanding.  It usually takes a test or two for all students to realize how to meet the expectations held for them for this course.  Please understand their grades WILL improve.....it may just take longer than you are accustomed to. I learned long ago that high expectations yield high results. Should you ever need to contact me for any reason, please do not hesitate.

    The school phone number is 601-856-7121 - HOWEVER, I am much more easily reached via email, Again, my email here at school is khackman@madison-schools.com. 


    About the Teacher: More detailed info may be found below for those that are curious or gluttons for punishment!

    Ken Hackman

    Zoological Field Studies Coordinator

    B.S.  Mississippi State University, 1983 (Biology/Secondary Education)

    M.Ed. Belhaven University, 2020 (School Leadership and Administration)

    He has taught Zoology, Biology, Honors Biology, AP Biology, Human Anatomy,

           Marine Biology, Marine and Aquatics, Physical Science and Environmental Science

           over the last 40 years. This is his 41st year teaching.

    He is at Madison Central for his 28th year and hopes to make it an even 30!

    before coming to Madison Central, Mr. Hackman has taught at Callaway High School, St. Andrew's Episcopal School, and Holmes

    Community College.

    He is married to his gorgeous wife of 39 years, Ruth Broome-Hackman and has two

    lovely daughters, Mandy, who works for the Mississippi Department of Education, and Allyn, who is

    an administrative assistant for an insurance firm.

    For more details about Mr. H, see the bottom of the page, BUT FIRST....  here are a few of Mr. Hackman's shots of organisms we will be studying this year.


    Blue-footed Booby photo by Ken Hackman                                                             

    Blue-footed Booby    


    Marine Iguana  photo by Ken Hackman 

    Galapagos Marine Iguana by Ken Hackman     


     Sally Lightfoot Crab photo by Ken Hackman

     Sally LIghtfoot Crab by Ken Hackman


    Hippopotamus photo by Ken Hackman


    Cheetah photo by Ken Hackman


    Ken Hackman - More than you wanted to know! (Even more information for those that are gluttons for punishment!)

    Mr. Hackman was featured in the March1999 Issue of then nationally published Wildbird Magazine for his conservation work with young people.

    2000 Madison County Soil and Water Conservation District Secondary Conservation Educator of the Year

    2000 Special Merit Award from the Mississippi Wildlife Federation for Outstanding Contribution as a conservationist.

    2001 Mississippi Urban Forest Council Certificate of Recognition for Statewide Leadership in Conservation Education for the Ribbons of Green Project which was initiated in Mr. Hackman’s Biology classes at Madison Central.

    2001 Madison Central High School Teacher of the Year

    2001 Madison County Secondary Teacher of the Year

    2002 Mississippi Association of Conservation Districts Conservation Educator of the Year

    2007 Mississippi Wildlife Federation State Conservation Educator of the Year

    2007 Jackson Metro Area Outstanding Educator

    For 17 years, Mr. Hackman and his students worked with Graduate Research Programs at both Southeastern Louisiana University and LSU on various research projects being carried out in the Southeastern Region, most notably, capturing and banding a threatened species, the beautiful Henslow’s Sparrow, that winters in the coastal pine savannas. There, students were involved in helping to capture, collect morphometric data, humanely obtain a small blood sample for DNA analysis with no harm to the birds, and to outfit the birds with tiny radio transmitters for radio telemetry work which was used to determine site fidelity on these wintering birds, among other processes of the graduate level research.

    As a result of his successes in the ornithological research field, in June 2018, Mr. Hackman was honored to be a featured speaker to a group of scientists in Queensland, Australia, where he shared information on his and his students' ornithological research activities in Mississippi. 

    Mr. H has served as the ‘Voice of the Jaguars’ PA announcer for eleven of Madison Central’s athletic teams over the years, including Slow Pitch Softball, Fast Pitch Softball, which he no longer does due to outside commitments. He currently does the PA work for Volleyball, Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Baseball, and of course, Football. Two years ago he began trying to fill the very large shoes of Madison Central Baseball's legendary announcer, Corey Ray. Obviously, no one can replace Corey, and he is greatly missed by all in the Jaguar Family. 

    Previously, Mr. Hackman served as Head Volleyball Coach for 5 years at Callaway High School and served as the Assistant Volleyball Coach here at MCHS for three years and then Head Volleyball Coach for four years, as well as being the assistant coach for the lady Jaguar Fastpitch Softball team for four years. He also serves as the emcee for Madison Central’s Beauty and Beau Pageant each year.

    Mr. Hackman is the sponsor for Madison Central’s Shine Bible Study and sponsors the MCHS Ornithology Club. He also participates in the MCHS Faculty Bible Study held on Thursday mornings.

    In the community, Mr. Hackman has served as president for Madison’s first Community Theatre, Playhouse North, and as a charter member, has served three times as the President of Center Players, Madison’s current community theatre group. He recently took Madison’s Center Players show, Second Lady, to competition at the Mississippi Theatre Association’s State Conference in Columbus, where his show took numerous honors: Lauren Ray won Best Actress, Ken was named Best Director, and the show brought home to Madison the Warren McDaniels Award for Best Show.  They went on to represent Madison and the State of Mississippi at the Southeastern Theatre Conference competitions in March of 2017 at SETC- the world’s largest theatre convention. Previously, he served four consecutive terms as Chairman of the Secondary Schools Division of the Mississippi Theatre Association, and was responsible for the secondary state festivals each year, along with accompanying the winners to the annual SETC conferences all over the Southeastern United States.

    Mr. Hackman has emceed several local Junior Miss / Distinguished Young Woman pageants, and served on the original board of directors for the Miss Mississippi affiliated Miss Madison the City Pageant. He works with the Boy Scouts of America in the development of Eagle Projects, where he has been instrumental in developing a series of Chimney Swift Towers on campus to help provide both nesting and roosting locations for Chimney Swifts, as more and more people seek to rid them from nesting in their chimneys.

    Mr. Hackman shares his knowledge all over the state as “The Birdman” on the statewide radio broadcast Weekend Gardening Show, filling in as a guest host when Garden Mama, Nellie Neal is out. He gives numerous slide presentations to garden clubs and civic clubs as well as libraries throughout the state of Mississippi.  He has given over 75 presentations in the last few years, including the Statewide Association of Federated Garden Clubs Annual Conference in 2002 and 2013. He has served in the past as the President of the Jackson Audubon Society and the Mississippi Ornithological Society, where he is currently serving as Immediate Past President on the Board of Directors.

    Mr. Hackman is a founding board member and the current president of the Central Mississippi Volleyball Association, (also known as Madison-Ridgeland Youth Club Volleyball), and manages gyms, as well as refereeing and/or coaching in the league to provide lower cost opportunities for young ladies in Central Mississippi to play the fastest growing sport in the state. He has also served as a referee at both the high school and the university level.

    Each summer, Mr. H leads tours all over the world, taking no profit for himself in order to keep down costs, so that citizens of our area can experience other cultures and ecosystems of the world.  He has led tours to Australia, New Zealand, Costa Rica, Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands, and quite a few countries in Europe.  He is currently signing up adults and students from various schools for a tour to Germany, Austria, and Switzerland for this coming summer of 2024! Call or email Mr. Hackman for details. The sooner one signs up, the better!

    Mr. Hackman lives here in Madison, and is happily married to his gorgeous wife of 40 years, Ruth, who recently retired from Southern Farm Bureau Life. He has two beautiful daughters.  Mandy, 34, works for the Mississippi State Department of Education as the Director of Career and Technical Education Quality, after teaching for nine years at MCHS. Allyn, 24, is an administrative assistant for an insurance firm. The Hackmans are charter members of St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church,