Hello! My name is Alysia McCord (my first name is Catherine, so you may see that on some course information, or my first initial, C.). I grew up in north Mississippi and went to college at Mississippi College. After college, I taught in Pontotoc, MS, before moving overseas with my family. My husband and our three children served with our international organization for 15 years until Covid changed our lives. After Covid, when we were unable to immediately re-enter our country in SE Asia, we moved again to South Dakota. Now, our family has relocated to Mississippi once again, and I look forward to working with all of you in Accelerated English 2!
Link to our class's Canvas:
Mrs. McCord
Dear Students and families,
Welcome to the start of a new year!
My name is Alysia McCord, and I look forward to working with you this year!
I love working with young people, and I love finding truth, strong characters, and shaping strong writers who can influence the world. I also love exploring other cultures, learning about other cultures, sharing about the cultures we have lived in, and exploring and studying language.
In our class this year, we will begin the semester by completing summer reading assignments, then moving on to the Greek tragedy Antigone by the ancient playwright, Sophocles. We will then read Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. We will also complete a Shakespearean play and along the way work on writing skills, grammar skills, mechanics of writing skills, comprehension and analyzation of literature, and preparation for college entrance exams, among other things.
Grades will be accessible in our software system, Active Parent/Active Student. Assignments given will be due at the beginning of the school day. Coursework that is not turned in on time will be counted off 10 points with 10 points deducted each following class period for up to three consecutive class periods. After that, the assignment will not be available, and no credit can be earned. In extenuating circumstances, please contact me. Good, clear communication with the teacher has great potential to help everyone involved.
We will have a minimum of three test grades per nine weeks. One of our test grades will be a culmination of Reader Response assignments. Students, please pay attention to make sure you complete each Reader Response assignment carefully, as these assignments will add up to become a test grade.
We will also have daily grade work each day, including IXL work on writing, grammar, language usage, and literature principles.
Grading scale will go as follows:

I believe that a strong classroom learning environment begins with a clear understanding of the teacher’s expectations for student behavior. In our class, I expect students to be honest, treat other students and adults with respect, work to have a safe environment for all students, and do their best to work to achieve learning goals. Students who choose not to meet expectations will be faced with consequences. Those consequences may include a verbal warning, changed seating assignments, teacher conference, and/or writing assignments. Next level disciplinary infractions may include more serious offenses as designated in the handbook, and repeated first level offenses may be counted as next level offenses, which will result in involving our administration for disciplinary action.
Because honesty is a priority in our classroom, cheating will not be tolerated. Assignments involving plagiarism and other forms of cheating will receive a zero.
Cell phone use will not be permitted in class. When students arrive, they will need to put their cell phones into the numbered pockets on the back wall. If a student has his cell phone out without permission, if it is a first offense, I will confiscate the phone for the remainder of the class. For a second offense, the phone will be handed over to the office. A subsequent offense will result in a referral.
Your students will need to purchase:
-A binder (this can be combined with another class as long as there is a separate section for English 2 Acc.)
-Notebook paper
-Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
-A fully charged Macbook for use each day
I look forward to working with all of you and expect a great year. I expect that we will grow together and am delighted to work together in our pursuit of truth and excellence this year.
My email address is:
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns!
I look forward to getting to know you this year!
Mrs. McCord