My name is Ashley Hodge and I am so excited to be your child's teacher this year! This is my 4th year teaching Special Education and my 6th year with the district. I’m really looking forward to getting to know you and your child.
About me:
I have been married to my husband, Greg, for 22 years. We have 3 kids and 3 dogs. Mason lives in Hattiesburg, Mary Peyton is a senior at Madison Central, and Campbell is a 6th grader at Madison Middle.
I have a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Southern Mississippi and a Master of Arts in Teaching Special Education from Mississippi State University.
Our assistants this year will be Ms. Reed and Ms. Hudsom. This will be Ms. Reed’s 14th year at MAE and Ms. Hudson’s 1st year.
Phone: 601 - 856 - 2951
Remind: @hodge24-25
Email: ahodge@madison -schools.com