Ms. Langworthy is holding virtual auditions for choir and Legacy next year. If you would like to audition, please send her an email of yourself singing one song by April 30th. jlangworthy@madison-schools.com 



    Auditions and technical interviews for theatre will be virtual this year. If you are interested in auditioning and/or participating in the technical interview process, please email Mrs. Summerlin a video of yourself performing a one-minute monologue and/or an explanation of any technical experience/skills by May 7th. esummerlin@madison-schools.com.



    If you are interested in joining the 2021-22 Speech and Debate team, the audition information is available on the Speech and Debate page on the school website. Please click this link to view: https://www.madison-schools.com/Page/43196 The teacher evaluations and student information forms are due to Mrs. O'Hara and Mr. Hawkins by Friday, May 7th.