Our children are our most valuable assets. They hold our future; their success depends on us working together to prepare them for success academically, socially and emotionally. Parents are their child's first teachers and play a vital role in Social Emotional Learning (SEL). We want to introduce you to SEL and provide tools and information to better children.
This webpage will serve as a guide to further your understanding and provide suggestions on ways to extend learning at home. Prior to the start of schools, a newsletter will be posted weekly highlighting different SEL skills.
To navigate the webpage, you may want to first click on the "newsletter" link on the left sidebar. This will enable you to review any important information. You may also click on the individual skills to access links to activities, websites, or additional reading related to the topic of interest. Skills are organized into the 5 competency areas defined by CASEL.
We are excited about this next step in building a brighter future for our children, and look forward to your participation as well!
Let's get started. Click on each question below to develop your understanding.
What is Social Emotional Learning (SEL)?
What Skills are Taught as Part of a SEL Curriculum?
How Does SEL Instruction Impact Students?
How can Parents Support SEL Instruction?