Madison County Schools New Student Enrollment
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thank you so much for your patience as we have worked to modify our new student enrollment during these unprecedented times. Madison County Schools wants to make the collection of documents and registration materials efficient and safe for all during this time.
The documents #1-10 listed below need to be submitted to complete the registration process and returned to your child's school by appointment only. Please call your school site to make an appointment for a time slot to turn in your completed forms. Having a set schedule will help limit the number of people on each campus in adherence to current health guidelines.
Please stay home if you are sick or have symptoms of COVID-19, which include a fever, cough, or shortness of breath. We will be glad to reschedule an appointment for a later date.
We ask that you:
- Please come alone in grades K-5
- Middle and high school students may come to this enrollment session with their parent/guardian to complete the course selection process
- Wear a face covering
- Use hand sanitizer before walking up
- Bring a pen to use
- Practice social distancing
If you are in a high-risk health category, please contact us directly. We will be glad to work with you on the best way to turn in the needed documents for registration.
Required Documents for New Student Enrollment:
- Transcript from prior school (high school only)
- Current report card from prior school
- Withdrawal form from prior school
- Completed enrollment packet (New to Distritct Enrollment Packet)
- Mississippi Immunization Form 121 (original from your doctor’s office)
- Birth Certificate
- Social Security Card
- Custody Papers (if parents are divorced or parent not listed on birth certificate)
- One of the following in the parent’s name:
- Mortgage Document
- Deed
- Homestead Exemption
- Rental or Lease Agreement (all occupants must be listed on the agreement and agreement must be current)
- One bill in the parent’s name showing the street address and dated within the last 60 days:
- Water
- Gas
- Electric
- Cable/internet
Thank you for your cooperation during this time while we adjust our normal ways of operation. Know we are excited to have your child join the Madison County Schools family!
We are here to assist you with any needs. Please feel free to contact us!
Velma Jackson High School
2000 Loring Road
Camden, MS 39045