• Madison Central High School

    1417 Highland Colony Parkway

    Madison, Mississippi 39110


    Telephone Number (601) 856-7121
    Web Address: www.mcjags.com

    Fax Number (601) 853-2712
    CEEB School Code: 251740


    Dr. Teague Burchfield, Principal
    Assistant Principals:   Guidance Counselors: 
    Chad Davis 12th grade   Tammy Scott A - D
    Dr. William White 11th grade   Chandra Hays E - K
    Dr. Allison Ruhl 10th grade   Cindy Lloyd L - R
    Dr. Jeff Heath Attendance   Jessica Peacock S - Z

    Community: Madison Central High School is located in Madison, Mississippi, a suburb north of Jackson.  MCHS, a part of the Madison County School District, is a consolidated county school drawing students from South Madison County including the cities of Madison and Flora.  The area’s convenient location, strong school system, and high property values contribute to the quality of life that makes South Madison County one of the most rapidly developing communities within the United States, according to the 2010 U.S. Census.  Family Circle Magazine named Madison as one of their “10 Best Cities for Families” in 2007.  Madison has also been cited as one of the best places to live by CNN/Money Magazine. 

     Description of School: With 1,214 students enrolled in grades 10-12, MCHS is one of the largest public high schools in the state. MCHS offers Accelerated, Advanced Placement, and College credit courses in numerous subject areas: English, Foreign Language, Mathematics, Science, Art and Social Science.  These courses are designated on the student’s transcript as “ACC,” “AP,” or "DC."  Accelerated classes are offered in English, grades 10-11.  Specific Advanced Placement courses are offered in Biology, Chemistry, English (Literature and Language) and Composition, Calculus, Statistics, Spanish, World History, U.S. History, Human Geography, U.S. Government, US Comparative Government, Macro Economics, Psychology, and Art 2D and 3D for a total of 17.  College credit courses are offered in English and Algebra. 

    Madison Central was recognized as one of the “Top Ten Best High Schools in America” by Redbook magazine, which considered such factors as superior academic and extra-curricular achievement coupled with parental and community involvement.  In 2008, Madison Central was named as one of the top 50 high schools in the nation by Seimens in recognition of our commitment to students and leadership in AP participation and performance.  Madison Central is the home of the 2017, 2018, and 2019 Mu Alpha Theta State Champion Team, 2014 State Champion Academic Competition Team, the 2013 National Champion Academic Competition Team, the 2014 State Champion Economic Council Team, and the 2014 National Academic Decathlon Championship Team.  In addition to a strong college-preparatory curriculum, Madison Central offers the following extracurricular activities:  22 varsity sports, all-superior varsity band program, varsity dance, all-superior choir program, AFJROTC and nearly 50 clubs. 

    Madison Central students participate in various community service activities.  However, Madison Central focuses on five school-wide community service projects:  Disaster Relief, Food for Families canned food drive, Toys for Tots, Relay-for-Life, and Make-a-Wish Foundation.      

    National Test Data: Madison Central students averaged a score of 22.2 during the 2018-19 ACT test administration year while the state composite average was 18.4, and the national composite average was 20.7.  In 2018-19, MCHS had 154 students score 30 or higher on the ACT.  

    In 2018-19, MCHS had 20 students recognized by the National Merit Corporation.  Seventeen were named National Merit Semifinalists and three were National Merit Commended scholars.  Madison Central had 14 STAR Students for the year 2018-2019 school year, which indicates a score of 35-36 on the ACT.
     In 2017-18, Madison Central had 73 students who were recognized for their exceptional performance on AP Exams with 15 named AP Scholar with Honor and 24 named AP Scholar with Distinction.  There were five National Scholars.  Every year the Siemens Foundation, in conjunction with the College Board, designate one male and one female from each state to receive the Siemens Foundation Advanced Placement Award.  Madison Central is honored to be the home of the 2011-12 male recipient of this prestigious award
    Since 2013, MCHS has offered an Engineering Academy geared toward students interested in pursuing engineering or other STEM related degrees at 2 or 4-year colleges. The Academy uses Project Lead the Way curriculum and requires students to complete intensive math and science courses while at MCHS.  Students in the Engineering Academy take additional accelerated courses and have the opportunity to take an additional AP course, Computer Science Principles.  This academy received the state of Mississippi's first Model Academy Distinction in 2018 by the National Career Academy Coalition. 
    A second academy was added in 2016 known as the Academy of Multimedia and Communications also called High Tech Video Production or HTVP.  The mission of HTVP is to teach employability skills and prepare students for 21st century higher education. Goals include providing higher education outreach programs that allow colleges and universities to recruit directly from this academy.  Opportunities to receive industry certifications from renowned companies such as Apple, INC. as well as professional training in film and television production, marketing and advertising, broadcast journalism, sports marketing, live broadcasting, and sound production are offered.  A student group from this academy was recently chosen to compete in New York City in the All-American High School Film Festival.  Only 55 schools were chosen out of over 13,000 submissions.  

    Over fifty percent of Madison Central teachers have attained AA or greater certification from the Mississippi Department of Education, which is typically granted through the earning of at least a master's degree.  Twelve staff members are Nationally Board Certified.

    Class Scheduling: An 8-period, alternating-day, block-scheduling format has been used.  Students attend 4 classes each day with each class being attended for 94 minutes. 

    Units Required for Graduation:
    All students currently enrolled at Madison Central must pass state-mandated subject area tests which include Algebra I, Biology I, English II, and U.S. History in order to graduate.  Students also must pass a minimum of 24 Carnegie units consisting of the following:  Four (4) units in math to specifically include Algebra I; Geometry and Algebra II; Four (4) units in English; Four (4) units in science, to specifically include Biology I and a Physical Science; Four (4) units in social studies to specifically include Mississippi Studies, World Geography, World History, U.S. History, Economics and U.S. Government; One (1) unit in fine arts; One (1) unit in business and technology; One-half (1/2) unit of health; One-half (1/2) unit in Physical Education and five (5) units of elective courses.


    Grading System:  Beginning in 2010-2011, all Madison County Schools moved to a modified ten-point grading scale.  All Madison Central grades are recorded numerically.  The letter grade equivalents are as follows: 

    A= 90-100, B=80-89, C=70-79, D=65-69, F =0-64.

     Grade Averaging and Ranking: Class rank and grade point averages are updated on a semester basis and include all graded courses from 9th through 12th grades. Courses taken for Carnegie unit in middle school are also included. Weighted numerical grades earned by the student are recorded on the transcript in Accelerated and Advanced Placement classes. 

    1.10 x Grade – Advanced Placement Courses

    1.05 x Grade – Accelerated Courses (as specified below)

    Actual Grade – All remaining courses


    Accelerated Courses to be weighted at 1.05 are as follows: Accelerated English, 9-12; Dual Credit English Composition I and II;  Genetics, Biomedical Research, and Physics I; Calculus, Dual Credit College Algebra, Advanced Math Plus, and Algebra III; Spanish III, French III, and Latin III; Engineering Academy courses, and Dual Credit Art Appreciation.


    Post- Graduation Statistics: Ninety-five percent (95%) of the 2017 Madison Central graduates have enrolled in college.  Sixty-five percent (65%) are enrolled in a four-year college; thirty percent (30%) are enrolled in a two-year college.



     Last Updated Year 2020 (Principal update on 7/25/24)