The MAE PTO is a group of parents dedicated to helping our children flourish and ensuring our teachers have everything they need. MAE’s teachers and staff are the cream of the crop and we want to make sure they have all of the latest technology and tools necessary to help our children succeed. In the past, our PTO has provided Promethean boards and iPads for our classrooms, physical education equipment, funding for our Accelerated Reader program, as well as support for our arts program. This year we are also working to raise money to provide a shade canopy for the playground area.
Please go to and join the PTO! Your financial support makes possible all that we do to support our school. We also have many volunteer opportunities throughout the year, providing hands-on ways for you to help at MAE. We can’t do it without YOU!
For more information please contact us at Also, if you know of local businesses who would be interested in being an MAE K-2 Partner in Education, please contact us. We look forward to working with you!