Madison Avenue Library Media Center
MAE students come to library class once a week for 60 minutes to check out books and to have a short library skills lesson or story time based on the AASL standards and the MAE curriculum map themes. Story time often includes puppet shows, drama and favorite book selections. Children are encouraged to use the library during other flexible times for research, daily Accelerated Reader, checkout and quiz taking.
Several book related events that encourage reading are held throughout the school year. Some of these events include: the AR celebration events, the MAE Book Fair, Read Across America, an author visit, and more.
The MAE library is fully automated using Follett Destiny Discover Catalog, a web-based circulation program that includes the card catalog for students. The library also uses Accelerated Reader, STAR, and Early Literacy STAR, which are connected to the classrooms.
At MAE, children are comfortable using their library to select age-appropriate books on their reading level as they become enthusiastic readers.