OTMS Singers
Director: Jamie Lee Moore

Welcome Message
I hope all are excited for this year and the OTMS Singers!
Spring Concert
- Thursday, May 12
- 6:00 PM
- RHS Auditorium
Please review the following information letter that was sent home with students April 28 and 29:
Spring Concert Letter
Please review the following list for solos:
2022 Spring Concert Solos
7th & 8th Grade All-State Honor Choirs
CONGRATULATIONS to the following students for being selected to participate in the 2022 Mississippi Junior High All-State Honor Choirs!!! Way to represent the OTMS Singers!
Junior High SSA Honor Choir
- Courtlyn Salters
- McKenzie Shelton
- Jaya Thompson
- Breanna Washington
- Kamryn Shelton
- Audrianna Smith
- Thelma Franklin
Junior High SATB Honor Choir
- Adrienne Lipking
- Jordyn McNair
- Donovan Edwards
Titan Idol
Auditions for Titan Idol are THURSDAY, January 20, after school in the Choir room. See Miss Moore for information, to sign up, and to register. ALL OTMS students (grades 6-8) are eligible to audition for this singing competition!
Festival of Carols Concert Information
Please view the following information letter for our upcoming concert:
Festival of Carols Concert letter
Please let me know via e-mail (jamie.moore@madison-schools.com) OR via Remind if you have any further questions. Looking forward to a great performance!

Open House 2021
Please click on the link below to view a quick introductory video!
Miss Moore Introduction video
Back to School Inventory
Please complete the following by FRIDAY, August 20. No need to e-mail Miss Moore when it's completed. It will go straight to her computer!
Back to School Inventory
2021-2022 Handbook
Choir 2021-2022
Every group has its own tab for information.
- Please make sure BOTH the Student Information Form and the Parent Volunteer Interest Form are filled out by Friday, September 3. You can do so on the computer or on your cell phone.
ALL STUDENTS - please fill out BOTH forms by Friday, September 3. Students will receive a completion grade for the Singers Information form.
This is for 7th and 8th grade students ONLY. If you already have a DragonFly account, please update it. If you do NOT, please create an account and fill out all of the necessary paperwork, either on your computer or on your phone through the app.
DragonFly Handout
DragonFly website
Chromebook Shortcuts
PBIS Distance Learning Expectations
Distance Learning Day Schedule
8:00-9:30- 1st/5th Block
9:30-9:40- Break
9:45-11:15- 2nd/6th Block
*Split Block*
9:45- 10:20 (21 or 61)
10:30-11:15 (22 or 62)
11:15-12:00- Lunch
12:10-1:40- 3rd/7th Block
1:40-1:50- Break
1:55-3:20- 4th/8th Block
Text your group's code to this number: 81010
OTMS Singers (ALL CHOIR STUDENTS) - @otmssing
6th Grade Choir (Blocks 1 and 8) - @839fef
Chamber Boys (Block 2) - @bd3b82
Chamber Girls (Block 3) - @k9d923
Ladies Ensemble (Block 5) - @3k4667e
Treble Select (Block 6) - @6g9dkag
Mississippi Girlchoir Information
If you are interested in auditioning for the MS Girlchoir:
Mississippi Girlchoir Information Flyer
Ladies, if this is something you wish to pursue, please ask me for more information! I sang with MS Girlchoir grades 6-12. It is a wonderful program in addition to what we do at school. If you sign up to try out, please make sure you put my name in the "Referred by" section!
- Here are the OTMS Choir lists for the 2021-2022 School Year!
2021-2022 Choir Rosters
Section Leader Awards
1st Block (6th Grade Choir):
- Ashley Duarte-Lomeli
2nd Block (Chamber Boys):
- Donovan Edwards
- Justin Thomas
3rd Block (Chamber Girls):
- Johari Bacon
- Jasmine Lane
5th Block (Ladies Ensemble):
- Hannah Harvey
6th Block (Chamber Girls):
- Morgan Dunson
- Simone Scott
7th Block (Treble Select):
- Madison Bridges
- Jessica Carawan
8th Block (6th Grade Choir):
- Courtlyn Salters
- Kamryn Shelton
Director's Award Recipients
Kelvin Johnson, Jr., and Kamauree Davis - thank you both SO MUCH for your many contributions to the OTMS Singers throughout your 3 years in Choir, for your willingness to work and help others, and for always being there for me to rely on :) Best of luck to you both at RHS! - Miss Moore
Titan Idol 2020
Thank you ALL for auditioning for this year's competition. You all did an amazing job and should be very proud! Congratulations to the following students for placing Titan Idol!
1st Place - Morgan Dunson
2nd Place - Sierra Griggs
3rd Place - Jaya Thompson
District VI Festival 2020
CONGRATULATIONS to Treble Choir and Chamber Boys for earning Superior ratings in Performance, and to Treble Choir for earning a Superior rating in Sight-Reading at District Festival!!!
Veterans Day Program 2019
Mass Choir Night 9/13/2020

Highland Performance for 5th graders - Spring 2019

2019 Titan Idol Winners
1st Place - Morgan Dunson
2nd Place - Madelyn Shepherd
3rd Place - Jasmine Lane
G & F clef practice materials
About the Teacher
Hello! I am Jamie Lee Moore, the Choir Director and Girls Track Coach at Olde Towne. This will be my 6th year teaching at OTMS, and my 11th year of teaching. Please read my bio for a little more information on me and my background. I am greatly looking forward to this year!