Velma Jackson High School 2024 - 2025 School Year
Welcome Back to School Fabulous Students
Greetings Falcon Students and Parents!
My name is Ms. M. Williams, and I will be teaching Essentials for College Literacy, Print Journalism, Creative Writing, Mississippi Writers, and Yearbook for the 2024 - 2025 school year.
As we start our new school year, my goals are as always to educate my students to the best of my ability; reach a greater level of academic success; and continue to provide for my students a safe, clean, and comfortable environment where quality learning will be their major focus as they enter room 201 daily. This year a theme has been created to utilize throughout the Madison County School District. The theme our new Superintendent, Dr. Ted Pore, chose was "Why Ya Here!" As I move forward this year to achieve the goals that I mentioned above, I want to try to pay closer attention to my actions, and see if the answer that I am about to provide to the theme question remains one of truth and integrity. In simple terms, my answer to the question is that I am here to fulfill a needed service to my students to help them reach their fullest potential, (whatever that service may be); and I am also here to maintain a comfortable lifestyle for myself.
So I ask my students the same question, why are you here? Parents, what do you seek? What I seek from you, parents, is support when I need it. I need you to help me make sure that all avenues are open for your child to be able to remain productive and successful; and to make sure that he or she remains on the right track. Students, what I need from you is a commitment to come in focused and ready to do your best, and to give your all to become the successful individuals that I know you can become.
As this year begins, I can't help but think about our dear friend and co-worker Ms. Brittney Russell who was killed in a car accident the day before school started last year, (which was August 2nd, 2023). That was a tough pill to swallow for the falcon family, and especially her students, who were so incredibly fond of her. I know she probably didn't even know, but she made a major impact on the lives of those students in just a short period of time. Those students, who were her last class of students, did not forget her throughout the school year, and I was surprised, (but so proud), of how they did things to keep her memory alive. They, along with many others, truly loved her. I had already written this, but I had to come back and add this line, because just today in class, I heard her students planning to meet for a dinner in her memory after school on Friday, August 2nd, 2024. They didn't forget the date of her death, and they are still celebrating her life. Remarkable!!
Why did I bring Ms. Russell up? I am speaking of her again this year because as I was leaving work yesterday on my way home, I could not get her off of my mind. This was the day she lost her life, (the day before the first day of school), and I couldn't help but to thank God for sparing mine. I felt a bit strange and a little paranoid as I was driving because I didn't want anything to happen to me. I just want to thank God for another opportunity to enter into Velma Jackson High School and provide teaching and knowledge to our students. Because of my friend's death, I try to make it a habit to make the most out of each day I live. Some days I do a lot better than others, but my goal is to learn to live each day to the fullest, for as we know, life is not promised!
Thank you all for your time, and I look forward to a great and successful school year with my students. As always, I can be reached at (662) 468-2531. My email address is Have a blessed day.
Ms. M. Williams
And I know it's going to be, a lovely day..........