Welcome TITANS to the 2024-2025 school year! I am excited to be returning to the Old Town Middle School family this year as one of your 7th grade math teachers! 

Our math classes are using the textbook Envison Math. The lessons in the course meet all of the content standards of the Common Core State Standards.
About the Teacher
I completed my undergraduate studies at Mississippi Valley State University. Later, I completed my graduate studies at Mississippi College. This is my sixth year at Old Town Middle School, and my 19th year teaching math. I am the mother to three amazing kids (Jeremy, Cody, and Avery), and we are residents of Rankin County. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family, cooking, traveling, and reading.
Contact information
School: 601.898.8730
Remind 101: text @mshillmath to the number 81010