Welcome to the 2023 - 2024 School Year!
Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos!
It's a GREAT day to be a TITAN!!!
My name is Leigh Nuñez. I am a 10th Grade Resource Teacher. We will focus on our personal and academic goals, as well as get ready for any of the Mississippi End of Course (State Tests) Assessments you are taking this year.
Course content will be organized and held in the Resource Canvas Course under Modules. Everything will be in Modules.
- All handouts, presentations, videos, outside resources, and assessments will be on Canvas
- Links to any necessary outside websites or apps will be on Canvas.
Assessments will be given weekly to track progress on IEP Goals.
- Assessments will be aligned to personal IEP Goals
- Practice questions to help prepare for other course assessments will be in subject modules
Depending on your grade, IEP goals, and accommodations, you will also be using Dream Box Reading Plus, IXL, and/or Khan Academy.
- MCSD has already given you an account for Reading Plus.
- I will primarily communicate with students and parents via email.
- Students please check your student email, at least weekly.
- Parents please check the email you provided the school at least weekly.
- Immediately important communication will be done via Remind. Please make sure notifications are turned on.
Contact Information
Email: lnunez@madison-schools.com
Phone: 601-898-5032 x4643 (RHS Voicemail)
Remind: @nunezres
Resource Room 143
About me:
I am married to Eduardo Nuñez, who is an engineer. We have two girls.
I was born and raised in Baton Rouge, LA, but I have called Mississippi home for the past few years. This is my ninth year in education and my fifth year with MCS/ Ridgeland High School. I am so excited about working with you. Please feel free to contact me by phone or email if you have any questions or concerns.
J.D./D.C.L, 2014 Paul M. Hebert Law School, Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, LA)
M.Ed. Special Education, 2019 Delta State University (Cleveland, MS)
M.S. Elementary Education, 2016 Johns Hopkins (Baltimore, MD)
B.A. History, 2010 Christian Brothers University (Memphis, TN)

Photo Credit: Jess Winters Photography