Alia Elkhatib
(601) 898-5023
Welcome Message
Bienvenue à la classe de français!
I am thrilled to be teaching French I-III as well as serving as the Titan Renaissance Leadership Sponsor this year at Ridgeland High School.
About the Teacher
This is my 8th year of teaching, and I am honored to be returning to Ridgeland High School for the 2022-2023 school year. I am originally from Natchez, Mississippi. I moved to Madison with my family in 2000, and I have been a resident ever since. I am a graduate of Madison Central High School (GO JAGS!) and The University of Southern Mississippi (TO THE TOP!). In my spare time I enjoy traveling to new destinations, reading books, spending time with friends, doing pilates classes, and watching the newest shows on Netflix.
Bonne journée!
French I - III Syllabus: Click here
TRL Syllabus: Click here
Lesson Plans
All lessons and assignments are available on Canvas daily. Please email me at if you have any questions.