Transportation: Buses, Day Care, Carpool
First Student Bus Service: 601-859-1633
School bus safety starts with you, every morning and every afternoon. Take a few minutes to make sure your kids understand the rules of the road. Most school bus fatalities occur when children are outside the bus, and three quarters of these tragedies involve children under the age of nine.
Make sure your children know these rules:
- Be on time.
- Never run to or from the bus.
- Stand back from the curb.
- Don't push or shove.
- Stay in your seat.
- Don't yell or shout.
- Always obey the driver.
- Wait for the driver's signal before crossing.
- Always cross at least 10 feet in front of the bus.
- Never crawl under a school bus.
Meet the bus
Coordinate with other parents to make sure that an adult is present at the bus stop every day, especially with children under the age of nine.
(Carpool Monitors: Rebecca Smith & Helen Bass)
Morning Procedures
* Morning carpool begins unloading at 7:05 a.m.
* Please pull up to the first available spot to let your child out of the vehicle. Do NOT let your child out on the grass.
* If you arrive after 7:30, park your vehicle and walk your child into the school office.
Afternoon Procedures
* Afternoon carpool begins loading at 2:15 p.m.
* Please stay in your vehicle and do not try to pass in the car pool lane.
* To make carpool move smoothly, have your child's name displayed in your car window.
Daycare Facilities for the Ridgeland Area
C.C. Ranch 601-856-5189
Child Development Center 601-957-7000
Colonial Heights 601-956-2422
Fitness Depot 601-898-0045 or 601-898-4678
Just Kids 601-856-5437
Kids University 601-977-0006
Little Dreamers
Love & Learn 601-957-2620
Madison County Gymnastics 601-853-2480
Madison Baptist Church 601-853-8542
Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church 601-853-1093
Ridgecrest Baptist Church 601-853-1093
Ridgeland Baptist Church 601-856-8724
Ridgewood Preschool 601-956-7180
Wee-Care 601-853-2181
St. Matthews 601-856-9581
Parent Reminder: If you must make a change in the way your child will be going home in the afternoon, the office must receive notice of this BEFORE 1:30 p.m. Thank you! When possible, please send a written note to your child's teacher the morning of any transportation changes. Our teachers and staff take your child's safety while at school and during their transportation to and from school very seriously! Thank you!!