General Information about Ridgeland (
Ridgeland Chamber of Commerce (
Library: 397 Hwy 51, Ridgeland 601-856-4536
Postal Services: 611 Pear Orchard Ridgeland 601-957-9800
UTILITIES BellSouth: 888-757-6500 Entergy: 800-368-3749 Centerpointe Entex Gas: 601-856-9348 MS Valley Gas Co: 601-961-6900 Time Warner Cable: 601-982-0922 Waste Management: 601-922-9647
CITY GOVERNMENT Animal Control: 601-856-6111 Building Permits: 601-987-8282 Chamber of Commerce: 601-856-7060 City Hall (Mayor Gene McGee): 601-856-7113 Fire Dept (Chief Matt Bailey): 601-856-8405 Parks & Recreation (Chris Chance): 601-853-2011 Police (Chief Jimmy Houston): 601-856-2121 Public Works/Recycling: 601-853-2027 Water Department: 601-856-3938
- To contact the city of Ridgeland's Tip Line, call (601) 853-2006. In addition to being a crime prevention and investigation tip line, Ridgeland Police Chief Jimmy Houston said residents may also report "quality of life" issues, like illegal vehicle parking, barking dogs, community policing issues and others.
COUNTY GOVERNMENT Health Dept: 601-859-3316 Tax Assessor: 601-856-1796 Tax Collector (car tag): 601-856-4472
Driver's License: The Mississippi Highway Patrol operates a testing center on Terry Road at the Jackson Square Shopping Center in Jackson from 8:00-4:30p.m., Monday through Friday and in Canton at the mayor's office only on Thursday from 8:30a.m. until 4:30p.m. For more information contact: Miss. Hwy Patrol: 601-987-1200
New Car Tag: Madison County Tax Collector 344 Hwy 51 Ridgeland, MS 39157 601-856-4472
Register To Vote: Madison County Circuit Clerk: 601-859-4365 Madison City Hall: 601-856-7116 Madison County Economic Development Authority: 601-859-1990
Our Representatives: Senator Thad Cochran (R)