
    Angelique Bacon 

    (601) 856-2951


    Welcome to Second Grade!


    Mrs. Bacon's Class


                                                happy kids


    Welcome to all my new second graders and families!  I am excited to begin my sixth year at Madison Avenue this year!  Every year brings a new adventure, and I am excited to see what this year will bring us.  This year we will continue to work together to keep the classroom safe and engaging.

    We will be focusing on hands-on learning opportunities to promote positive communication, problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and creativity. I can't wait to see how much we will learn and grow together!

    Second grade is an amazing time in the development of our children as they continue to build on their foundational skills academically, socially, and emotionally. My classroom will be a safe, nurturing learning environment in which students will support each other and feel comfortable taking the risks needed to propel them to the next level. 


    Our goals this year will be to: 


    • Learn to work together in cooperative groups to solve problems, create projects, and discuss our thinking

    • Develop our reading skills to interact with texts at a deeper level

    • Become confident authors

    • Develop our language and communication skills to increase understanding of key academic concepts

    • Increase our knowledge of the world around us

    • Have Fun! 


    About the Teacher

     Angel in Oaxaca










    Mrs. Bacon in Oaxaca, Mexico   



    My name is Angelique Bacon.  I have been teaching for 16 years.  My family moved here from Texas 9 years ago and this will be my ninth year with the Madison County School District.  I received my Bachelor's Degree from the University of Texas.  I am a certified K-6 generalist teacher with additional certifications in English as a Second Language, Art, and Special Education.  I am a National Board Certified Teacher in the area of English as a New Language - Early Childhood-Middle Years. Previously, I worked at Ann Smith Elementary as a pull-out ESL teacher and a first grade ESL classroom teacher in Texas. Each year I incorporate English Language Development into all my lessons throughout the day for the benefit of all my students! 

    When I am not teaching, I like to read, hike, and spend time with my family.  I love traveling, learning about different cultures, and learning new languages.  I am learning Spanish and some phrases in many other languages.   


    Bacon Family in Austrian Alps

     The Bacon Family on a hike in the Austrian Alps


    I am excited to have Mr. Delgado as my assistant this year. He began as an assistant at MAE 2 years ago and moved to second grade last year.  He loves working with the children at MAE!

    We are excited about getting to know each child and their family as we begin our Second Grade journey together! 


    Please contact me if you have any questions or would like any assistance. 

    You can call me @ (601) 856-2951

    email: Abacon@madison-schools.com

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