Velma Jackson High School
2000 Loring Road
Camden, MS 39045
Telephone Number (662) 468-2531
Fax Number (662) 468-2748
School Code: 250425

Ms. Perry Green, Principal
Mr. Preston Nailor, Assistant Principal
Dr. Lovie Chesser-Miiller, Instructional Specialist
Accreditation/School Control: Velma Jackson High School is accredited by the Mississippi State Department of Education and is a part of Madison County School District.
Description of School: Velma Jackson High School is a public, four-year, comprehensive high school with a strong college-preparatory program. There are approximately 224 students enrolled in grades 9-12 for the 2024-2025 school year.
Grading System: All Velma Jackson High School grades are recorded on the transcript as numerical grades.
The letter grade equivalents are as follows:
A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 65-69
F = Below 64
The transcript of a high school student’s work will show both semester and final grades in each course. Transfer students’ transcripts are recorded exactly as received from their previous school.
Grade Averaging and Ranking: Class rank and grade point averages are updated on a semester basis and include all graded courses from 9th through 12th grades. Weighted averages are determined by adding numerical semester grades using the following scales:
1.10 x Grade – Advanced Placement Courses
1.05 x Grade – Accelerated Courses (as specified below)
Actual Grade – All remaining courses
Class Scheduling: Velma Jackson High School operates on an 8-period, alternating day, block-scheduling format. There are 4 block periods per day, which are 97 minutes in length. The school year is divided into 2 semesters, with each containing two 9-week terms.
Mascot: Falcons
School Colors: Royal Blue and Gold