Goal 1: Academic Excellence (focusing on a child’s mind)
We believe that the mission of our school is to provide each child with a solid foundation in reading, writing, math, science, and social studies. Beginning in kindergarten, the Common Cores State Standards are fol- lowed. Madison Station teachers use the standards as the basis for planning units of study. These standards can be found at www.corestandards.org. In grades 3, 4, and 5, our students are tested using the Mississippi Curriculum Tests (MCT2) each May. These tests provide valuable information on how well our students are mastering the information taught each year. Our school is then given an accreditation rating based on these test scores. We are pleased that our school will be a STAR school again this year....the highest rating possible!! Our district administers the MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) assessment 3 times a year to kindergarten –fifth grade students. The data received from these assessments likewise provides information for teachers to use as they instruct students. Our goal is to instruct each child on his or her level and to advance each child academically.
Goal 2: Arts Integration (focusing on a child’s heart/soul)
In 2000, Madison Station partnered with the Mississippi Arts Commission through a Whole Schools grant initiative. The goal of the grant was to train teachers to integrate the arts into every aspect of the curriculum. Our “Arts Create Excellence” (ACE) program was established. Over $500,000.00 has been secured and spent on arts initiatives at Madison Station.
During the 2013-2014 school year, we remain committed to the following arts goals:
1. The academic growth of MSE students will be enhanced through the infusion of the arts into all curriculum subjects.
2. Students will gain knowledge and skills in all art disciplines.
3. MSE teachers and administrators will grow professionally and personally through their involvement with the arts.
4. Madison Station’s parents and community will be engaged in enhancing and promoting student learning through the arts.
Madison Station students are truly immersed in the arts throughout the day. Some examples include: the featured artist artwork that hangs in the foyer each month, the student created artwork in the halls, and the classical music played at the beginning of each day and throughout the day for movement and dance body breaks. Thanks MSE PTO for providing the funding for our 3rd-5th grade art teacher, drama club for 5th grade and for providing KidsArt instruction to 1st-5th grade
Goal 3: Fitness and Wellness (focusing on a child’s body)
Madison Station has a history of excellence in the physical education classroom. Our teachers, Coach Crawford and Coach Shows, have been recognized throughout the state for their innovative approach to helping children stay fit. Our students have participated in and scored well in the Presidential Fitness Challenge program. Using brain and body research, classroom teachers are incorporating movement activities in the classrooms, encouraging students to eat healthy snacks and drink water, as well as teaching students how to care for their bodies.