
    Madison County Schools
    Response to Intervention



    Madison County School District instructs students in three tiers of instruction.  Tier 1 is quality instruction for all students through differentiation in the classroom.  Tier 2 provides more small group help in subjects where needed.  Tier 3 provides more intensive help than Tier 2.  Tier 1 and Tier 2 Interventions are provided by your child's teacher in the regular classroom.  Tier 3 literacy interventions are provided by Dara Evans and Karen Harness, the Literacy Specialists at Velma Jackson.  Our goal is to help your child succeed in the lowest tier possible.
    Each year we look at students' past performance-academic and behavior-to determine which tier would best suit the level of each learner.  We then assign to "tiers" and work with teachers to find strategies that help the learner in those particular subject areas (i.e. English, math, Biology I, US History.) Student progress is monitored and tiers are re-assigned periodically.