What time does school start each day? School begins at 7:15 a.m. The tardy bell rings at 7:20 a.m. Announcements are made at 7:30 a.m.
What activity classes does Luther Branson offer? Our students attend p.e., computer, music, art, and library each week. Fourth and Fifth grade students may also choose to audition for the honor choir, try out for the archery team, or join the robotics team. Our school also participates in several 5k races.
How can I keep informed about my child's progress? Your child's teacher will send home a newsletter each week and you may also sign up for Remind 101. We encourage you to sign up for "Active Parent" (3-5) so you can have access to your child's grades at any time. See your child's teacher or call the office for details on how to activate your account. Progress reports are sent home midway through each grading period. We highly encourage parent and home communication, so feel free to write a note, email or call the office for a parent/teacher conference. Please check folders nightly for homework and behavior information.
What is the dress code? Students wear uniforms M-Th. The uniform colors are white, light blue and navy for the shirt and navy and khaki for the pants. Students can dress out of uniform on Fridays.
What’s the policy for check-ins and check-outs? School attendance is very important to the academic growth of students. Every minute counts and we want our students to be present at school each day-the entire day. If a student arrives after 7:20 a.m., an adult must sign him/her in. Please refrain from checking students out any time after 1:30 p.m.
What do I need to do if my child is absent? Your child must return to school with a doctor’s excuse or a written parent note. You can now also enter an excuse online Absent Form. If a student is absent, Ms. Moore, the receptionist, will call to check on your child the day(s) of his/her absence. If your child has a fever or diarrhea, he or she must be symptom-free for at least 24 hours before he/she can return to school.
If I have a transportation change for my child, what procedure do I follow? We would like to limit changes of transportation during the day for safety reasons. In the event that you must change your child's afternoon transportation, please contact the front office at 601-859-2743 before 1:45 p.m. or you may send a written note with the new address that you would like your child to go home to.
What is the policy on transportation? Parents are strongly encouraged to use bus transportation as often as possible. The transportation company, Durham School Services, will coordinate bus routes, times, stops and drivers. Bus routes are published in our local newspapers a week before school begins. Buses load and unload in the front and west parking lot of the school. Teachers and staff are located around the front and west parking lots to assist students boarding buses. Contact Durham at 601-859-0077 with any questions about transportation.
Who do I call to report issues with my child's bus transportation?
Durham School Services is the contract provider of bus service for Madison County schools. We urge you to promptly report any and all concerns or problems to them at 601-859-0077.
What time does breakfast begin? Breakfast is served from 6:50 a.m. to 7:10 a.m. All students must exit the cafeteria when the first bell rings at 7:15 to begin class.
Is the school prepared for emergency situations?
Your child's safety is very important, which is why Madison County Schools practice safety drills. During a fire drill, students learn how to walk out of the school building quietly and quickly with their teacher. Students return to class when the fire drill is finished. Mississippi sometimes has tornadoes (rain storms with strong winds producing funnel clouds). During a tornado drill, students learn where to go in the building to protect themselves by kneeling on the floor and covering their heads.
Should weather ever become serious enough to warrant cancellation or dismissal of school, that decision would be made by our school superintendent and an announcement would be published to all news agencies as soon as it becomes available. Please check your local television station or radio as well as this website for the latest information.