
    Ms. Jamie McQuirter

     Cyber Foundations II
    Ms. McQuirter


    601*605*4171 MMS



    Hello parents & students,


    I would like to introduce myself to you and express my sincere pleasure of being a Madison Middle Jaguar! I am enthusiastic to be working with your child this year and helping them reach their full potential in Cyber Foundations II. I am a product of Madison County Schools when there was only one elementary, one junior high and one high school to service all of Madison county. I have been in the Madison county school district for 11 years. This is my 9th year being a Madison Middle Jaguar! I earned my BA degree in Interior Design from Mississippi State University (GO DAWGS!),  graduated from William Carey University with an M.ED in Secondary Education and Educational Leadership. I truly love to work with students and help them reach their full potential. I have a vested interest in the students of Madison County, due to the fact that my daughter attends Madison Middle and my mother works at Madison Central. We are a family full of jags! It is my desire to help your children be the best they can be! I know that you will work with me this year as we will expect to see great things from our class! I hope you enjoy this year as we learn about all the fun things you can do with technology! I am grateful for the opportunity to work with your child and look forward to meeting each of you!



    Ms. Jamie McQuirter

    GO JAGS!   


    I DO NOT update my teacher website; all updates can be found on Canvas! Please sign up for a Canvas Account so you can follow what your student is doing in class. Please click on the link- Canvas for Parents



    Homework: Completion of any work that is not finished in my classroom.
    In this case, the specific assignment will be posted both in the classroom and on the Canvas Page. Students may access all of their work off of their 'cloud' by signing into their student email that is located on the main page of Madison County.  They need to login with their MSIS#@students.madison-schools.com and use their password that they login with every day to access their 'cloud'. They can upload and download their assignments from class and work on them at home, save the changes, and then send the assignment back up to their 'cloud' to pull down when they get back to school.


    All tests will be given online via my Canvas site (https://mcs.instructure.com/courses/7955) , which can be located on the sidebar of Madison County webpage. Unless I input essay questions on these tests, students will know their score the moment they click Submit. After the test, all students can go back and review their test, questions and answers using their own unique usernames and passwords.

    NM  This is a place holder for a grade to be entered.  NM stands for NO MARK which means I haven’t graded the assignment or either it’s not been recorded yet– doesn’t count against the student – an NM is not averaged in their grade.


    AStudent was absent when I took a grade – this does count as a 0, but can be made up in the allowed time stated in the student handbook. Number of days missed plus 1 day.  Student is responsible to get makeup work and get it turned in on time!


    NG Means the student hasn’t turned it in yet, and I have put in grades – still time to turn it in for a PARTIAL GRADE – it’s averaged in as a 0 until they turn it in. It is 10 points a day off until they receive a zero. That includes every day, NOT just the day that their class meets!


    0 – More than sufficient time has elapsed for the work to be turned in Student will keep their zero.