Hello parents & students,
I would like to introduce myself to you and express my sincere pleasure of being a Madison Middle Jaguar! I am enthusiastic to be working with your child this year and helping them reach their full potential in Cyber Foundations II. I am a product of Madison County Schools when there was only one elementary, one junior high and one high school to service all of Madison county. I have been in the Madison county school district for 11 years. This is my 9th year being a Madison Middle Jaguar! I earned my BA degree in Interior Design from Mississippi State University (GO DAWGS!), graduated from William Carey University with an M.ED in Secondary Education and Educational Leadership. I truly love to work with students and help them reach their full potential. I have a vested interest in the students of Madison County, due to the fact that my daughter attends Madison Middle and my mother works at Madison Central. We are a family full of jags! It is my desire to help your children be the best they can be! I know that you will work with me this year as we will expect to see great things from our class! I hope you enjoy this year as we learn about all the fun things you can do with technology! I am grateful for the opportunity to work with your child and look forward to meeting each of you!
Ms. Jamie McQuirter