I am so happy to share my love of art, adventure and travel with my students. Just a little about me in pictures.
Artist and art educator Courtney Melton has been teaching in the Madison County School District since the year 2006. She graduated from Delta State University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 2000 with a concentration in sculpture and a minor in printmaking. Since graduation, Ms. Melton has chosen to share her knowledge with public school students in Mississippi. While pursuing her teaching career she simultaneously heeded her inner need to complete her educational goals. During her time teaching at Northwest Jackson Middle School she completed a Master of Education in Art degree at Mississippi College. She has had a studio producing pottery, sculpture, and a variety of the fine arts. Courtney Melton’s passion for the arts has driven her to follow her yearning for knowledge back to Mississippi College where in 2015 she finished her Master of Fine Arts degree in the 3D Studio Arts. In the United States, an MFA is recognized as a terminal degree for practitioners of Visual Art, Design, Dance, Photography, Theatre, Film/Video, New Media, and Creative Writing - meaning that it is the highest degree in its field, and is used as a minimum qualification to be able to apply to become a Full-Time Professor teaching at the University level in these disciplines. In 2019, Ms. Melton pushed further to help the students in her classroom by achieving the esteemed status as a National Board Certified Teacher.
Ms. Melton's responsibilities at Madison Central are to teach Ceramics I and II and Stage Crew classes. She is also a sponsor of Fellowship of Christian Athletes and an Assistant Director for the Reveille/Radiance Show Choirs.
Ms. Melton says, “A never ending road to the fulfillment of knowledge is always a rigorous but magnificent trip.” Always the student, she plans to spend many years traveling, educating, and learning.
Click HERE to see Ms. Melton's artwork.