• Ridgeland High School

    Parent and Student Resources


    New/Returning Student Registration

    Thank you for your interest in registration at Ridgeland High School. Please read all the information below about the requirements for registration.

    RHS Enrollment Packet - English

    RHS Paquete de inscripcíon de nuevos estudiantes - Español

    • The above documents are fillable documents. You can type in the documents and save them to a computer and then print. Or print them first and then fill out with blue or black ink.
    • There are also paper copies available at Ridgeland High School.
    • Please return complete enrollment packet to Ridgeland High School.

    Required Documents for New Student Enrollment:

    1. Transcript from prior school (high school only)
    2. Current report card from prior school
    3. Discipline record from prior school
    4. Withdrawal form from prior school
    5. Completed enrollment packet - see below
    6. Mississippi Immunization Form 121 (original from your doctor's office)
    7. Birth Certificate
    8. Social Security Card
    9. Custody Papers (if parents are divorced or parent not listed on the birth certificate)
    10. One of the following in the parent's name:
      • Mortgage Document
      • Deed
      • Homestead Exemption
      • Rental or Lease Agreement (all occupants must be listed on the agreement and agreement must be current)
    1. One bill in the parent's name showing the street address and dated within the last 60 days:
      • Water
      • Gas
      • Electric
      • Cable/internet
    1. A "Special Affidavit of Residence" is required when a student resides with their parent or guardian in a home or apartment not owned or leased in the name of the parent or guardian: see below.



    RHS Returning Student Registration Form

    • The above documents is a fillable document. You can type in the document and save it to a computer and then print. Or print it first and then fill out with blue or black ink.
    • Early Registration for Returning students begin April 17th - May 19th. Registration must be completed before school is out for students to get a New MacBook this summer. 
    • Items to turn in for Early Registration:
    •      Student Information Sheet
    •      Proof of Residency (Homeowner will need to provide a Deed ) Those renting their homes/apartments will need to submit a current signed lease agreement listing your student (s) as occupants. This lease must be good through August 31, 2023. 
    •      One (1) Utility Bill  Disconnect notices are not accepted ( cell phone bills and disconnect notices are not accepted ) 
    • Hard copies of Student Information Sheets are available at Ridgeland High School.
    • Parents are required to bring the form to Ridgeland High School.