• Welcome to Mrs. McAtee's

    2nd Grade Class


    Hi! My name is Andrea McAtee.  I am so excited about being your teacher this year!

    This is my nineteenth year as a teacher.  I have taught grades 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, as well as hearing impaired students in grades K-12.  I love being a teacher!  Making learning fun is the best part!

    I am looking forward to an amazing year!







    Your assistant teacher is Ms. Montgomery.  She is in her sixteenth year as an assistant at MAE.  She has two sons and seven grandchildren.  She will be in and out of my classroom assisting students through oral, hands-on, and written work.  She loves this school and these children and believes learning should be fun and active.  You can find her in the front car rider line during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up.  Wave big!
