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    The Nurse is available in the front office 4 hours each school day.

    Nurse phone: 601-856-6609

    Nurse fax: 601-856-7679


    Under exceptional circumstances, medication may be administered by school personnel. If a student is
    required to take oral medication during normal school hours in order to remain in school, the
    medication may be administered under the following guidelines:
    The medication will be delivered to the principal’s office in its original container by a parent or
    guardian along with a signed consent form for Administration of Medication, which can be
    obtained in the school office or from the school nurse.
    Parents must transport medication to and from school. No medication will be accepted from
    Parents are responsible for informing the school office of any change in their child’s health or
    medication. A physician’s order is required for all medication, both over-the-counter and
    It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the school that the child needs to take prescription or
    over-the-counter medication.
    No medication will be administered unless an official district medical release form has been
    completed, signed by a parent or guardian, and placed on file in the school office. These forms
    are available in each school office.
    Any child with a temperature of 100°, vomiting, or suffering diarrhea must be picked up
    immediately. Students sent home with any of these conditions should not return to school until
    free of symptoms without medication for 24 hours.

    A student with asthma and/or anaphylaxis is entitled to possess and self-administer prescription asthma
    and/or anaphylaxis medication while on school property, on school-provided transportation, or at a
    school-related event or activity if:

    The prescription asthma and/or anaphylaxis medication has been prescribed for that student as
    indicated by the prescription label on the medication;
    The self-administration is done in compliance with the prescription or written instructions from
    the student’s physician or other licensed health care provider; and
    A parent of the student provides to the school:
         * Written authorization, signed by the parent, for the student to self-administer prescription asthma and/or anaphylaxis medication while on school property or at a
    school-related event or activity;

         * A written statement, signed by the parent, in which the parent releases the school district and its employees and agents from liability for an injury arising from the
    student’s self-administration of prescription asthma and/or anaphylaxis medication.

    The District works in cooperation with the Mississippi State Health Department to prevent, control, and
    contain communicable diseases in schools.

    While head lice do not transmit any human diseases, they are a nuisance and require a cooperative
    effort on the part of parents and school officials to control. When a teacher suspects that a student has
    head lice or nits, the student will discreetly be sent to the office for an examination in private. If lice or
    nits are found, the parent will be notified and asked to pick up the student and treat him/her with an
    approved over-the-counter head lice treatment. Proof of treatment (the empty box) will be required
    before the student is allowed to re-enter school.
    Students will not be allowed to return to school unless they are free of nits.
    When a case of head lice is found in a class, a note will be sent home with every student in that class,
    informing parents and requesting that they check their student that evening and treat if necessary.