1. Students must have attended Madison Central for sophomore, junior, and senior years.
2. No more than 5% of the senior class will be accepted into the Hall of Fame.
3. Students will be selected by a school staff committee. The following criteria may be used: applications, attendance records, discipline records, academic records, and teacher recommendations. The committee decisions are final.
4. Membership status and awards documented by the applicant will be verified by the teacher or sponsor assigned to the organization.
5. Students must not have failed any subject during their sophomore, junior, or senior years.
6. Students may not have had an out of school suspension during their high school years, nor may students have engaged in any action that does not exemplify good behavior.
7. The online survey components must be submitted by February 28th at 3:45 pm.
8. There are no extensions to the deadline.
9. Any questions regarding the application process should be directed to Ms. Chandra Hays or Ms. Cindy Lloyd in Student Services.
- You will need to complete the Hall of Fame School Involvement Survey and its components found by clicking the link on the website. The deadline to complete this survey is February 28th at 3:45 PM. To complete this survey, you will need to register by setting up your own username (not your MSIS ID)and personal email address and then sign in to the school website (found at the bottom of the MCJags.com website under "Admin Options"). (See your counselor if you have problems with signing in to the school website) The survey will offer a list of clubs, teams, and activities. If you participated in these clubs during your sophomore, junior, or senior year, select Member, Active Member, or Officer in the drop-down menu for each activity and year that applies. The information you provide will be verified by the activity’s sponsoring teacher.
- Once the application deadline has passed, candidate names will be submitted to all teachers for review and for recommendations.
- The Hall of Fame faculty committee will meet to consider all candidates, taking into account academic records, attendance records, discipline records, and information gathered during the application process.
- The names of those selected to be inducted into the 2025 Hall of Fame will be announced on Class Day.
By completing the Hall of Fame (School Involvement) Survey, you are certifying that you are eligible to apply for the 2025 Hall of Fame based on the eligibility requirements set forth above. You also understand that school records may be accessed as a part of the selection process.