Welcome Message
My name is Heather Evans, and I am so excited to be your child's teacher for the 2022-2023 school year! This is my 5th year at MMS, but this will be my 14th year teaching. Prior to joining the MMS family, I taught at B.F. Liddell, Northwest Rankin Middle, Hopewell Middle, and Camden Elementary. I received my bachelor's degree in Elementary Education at Mississippi State University as well as my master's degree in Education. I'm married and have 3 children. Hannah-Reese is in Nursing School at UMMC, Aidan is in 11th grade at Germantown High School, and Sawyer is a 10th grader at Canton Academy. Between attending football, baseball, and GHS band events, our family stays busy. When I am not busy with one of the many activities listed above, I enjoy going to the gym, gardening, working on projects around the house, and going to the farm with the family.
School Subject: math
Color: purple
Season: summer/fall
Food: chef or grilled chicken salad with ranch dressing
Drink: ice-cold sweet tea
Fast Food: Full Moon, McAlister’s Deli and Moe’s
Dessert: cookies
Candy: anything chocolate
Store: Home Goods, Target, Ulta, Impromptu
Football team: Mississippi State University
Chips: Anything plain
Hobbies: gardening, yardwork, cameo arts and crafts, and traveling
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns! My contact information is listed above. You can also subscribe to Remind and receive text updates throughout the year about what's happening in class! Please go ahead and subscribe to my class via Remind by texting @evans111, @evans333, @evans555, or @evans777 (use the code based on your block) to the number 81010. You can also find my classes within the Remind app using your block's name. I look forward to getting to know you as we work together to give your child the best education possible!
Blocks and Codes
1st Block @evans111
3rd Block @evans333
5th Block @evans555
7th Block @evans777