Frieda Gilmer

Welcome Message
Welcome to Madison Middle School 7th grade Science.
I grew up in Rankin County and graduated from Pearl High School. A Pirate at heart but I love being a Jag! I attended Hinds Junior College and received my BA in Elementary Education from Belhaven University. I received my master's in secondary education from William Carey University.
I am married to Anthony Gilmer, I have 3 children (Tony, Christy (Daniel), and Glenda (Clayton)), and three grandchildren (Arrington (6), Will (3), and James(2 in November)). We have 1 donkey and 42 goats.
I love science and seeing how children learn to explore the world around them. I am excited to have your child in my class this year. We are going to have a fun year full of learning new things.
All class information, announcements, and quizzes are given on Canvas. I would like for you to set up a Canvas account and follow your child so you know what we are doing in class. I also use Remind to update test dates and projects.
If you ever have any questions, please reach out to me. I am here for you and your child.