Selph Family 2020

Welcome back, Jags!
I hope everyone had a wonderful summer break and are ready to get the 2023-2024 school year started.
This is my tenth year at Madison Middle School and year sixteenth of my teaching career. This is my fifth year of being the MATHCOUNTS coach. We had wonderful success this past year and I have high expectations for my mathletes this year.
My husband and I have 3 children; Nathan (17), Tate (16) and Claudia (14). They keep us busy outside of school hours. I received my Bachelor of Science degree from Mississippi State and my Master's degree from Mississippi College.
The eighth grade math curriculum includes many strands of mathematics. Those strands are as follows: expressions and equations, number sense, geometry, statistics and probability, and functions. There is something for everyone within our curriculum. We are going to work hard and have a little fun along the way. Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to teach your child. Let's make this the best year at Madison Middle!
Kindness is always in style. Quick question- did you make someone smile today?
-Math is Fun!
-Math Rocks!
It's a great day to be a Jaguar!